Friday, 27 July 2007

Break in period untuk mobil baru? perlukah?

Artikel cukup kontroversial. Bisa di lihat di link di bawah ini. Tapi, secara umum saya setuju sekali.
Mesin yang langsung di geber dari baru, biasanya lebih sehat.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Rizor max2A di pasang di mesin innova vvti

Ini dia hasilnya....

Sebagai catatan, waktu uji coba dilakukan di jalan tol bintaro-serpong pada siang hari. Dan ac dihidupkan (full ac).
Yang melaksanakan test adalah pemilik kendaraan.
Karena tidak di scan, tapi di foto dan untuk memperkecil size, attachmentnya jadi agak blur. Maaf..

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Apakah Turbo itu?

Artikel menarik tentang turbo:



    Basic Theory

    The advantage of turbocharging is obvious - instead of wasting thermal energy through exhaust, we can make use of such energy to increase engine power. By directing exhaust gas to rotate a turbine, which drives another turbine to pump fresh air into the combustion chambers at a pressure higher than normal atmosphere, a small capacity engine can deliver power comparable with much bigger opponents. For example, if a 2.0-litre turbocharged engine works at 1.5 bar boost pressure, it actually equals to a 3.0-litre naturally aspirated engine. As a result, engine size and weight can be much reduced, thus leads to better acceleration, handling and braking, though fuel consumption is not necessarily better.
