Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Mr Ali and A Nurse
Finally, Mr. Ali, who was old, entered by their children to a nursing home. Sooner had he entered there, a pretty nurse accompany him sitting in the front.
They both sat side by side, staring at the sun is going down. Suddenly, Mr. Ali leaned to the right.
The nurses quickly caught him from falling and straightened up again.
A few moments later, Mr Ali leaned back, this time to the left. The nurse swiftly enforce it again. That happened for several minutes.
Finally the nurses brought Mr. Ali returned to his room.
The next day his son came to pay a visit.
"How are you doing here?" Asked his son.
"Fun. The mattress was soft, delicious food, nice nurse. But there is one problem "
"What problem Pak (sir)?"
"They will not let me fart in here"
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Office boy and IT Staff :)
An office boy (OB), was cleaning the floor behind the director chair.
At that time the director were sitting in his chair to do something that seemed very important at the computer. Because the director was too busy to concentrate on the computer, he was not aware of the office boy peeking from him what he was doing.
A few minutes later, in his room, the office boy told another colleague, that he had time to peep the boss typing passwords! He saw the letter by letter! He was tense because might be the only person who knows the password of the number one in the company.
Rumor was circulating a few days later, and an IT staff who wants to go through the boss’s to know the secret of the company, especially the boss, approached the office boy.
"How much I have to pay for that password?" asked the IT staff
The office boy nervously replied, "Two hundred thousand!"
"Overpriced! Hundred!" The IT staff argued, handing hundred thousand.
"Okay!" The office boy agreed.
After giving the money, the IT staff set up a pencil to take notes on a piece of paper.
"Okay, what password?"
"Star, star, stars, stars, stars, stars!" said the office boy in a whisper.
Password was only six-star ".
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Kenapa account facebook bisa dibekukan?
I stumbled upon this and thought I would share it with the LCNs
Here are the things that (supposedly) will get you kicked off Facebook:
1. You didn't use your real name
Don't try to use a nickname (or initials)in lieu of the name on your birth certificate, because Facebook will find you and spit you out.
2. You joined too many groups
Remember that the maximum limit is 200 groups per user. More than that just looks desperate, don't you think?
3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group
Even Guy Kawasaki had his account disabled--in his case for "excessive evangelism."
4. You posted in too many groups, too many user's walls
You may be axed for being too verbose in too many places. That's what spammers do, silly. On Facebook it is better--or at least safer--to be seen than heard.
5. You friended too many people
Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself.
6. Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful
The overlords are sometimes not very trusting, and they may accuse you of not graduating from Harvard (or Plum Senior High School). The impertinence! Better have your diploma ready.
7. You're poking too many people
We've heard this from multiple sources, and it's easy enough to avoid. Save the pokes for people you *really* like, as mum always said. But beware the odd FB app that pokes on your behalf.
8. For advertising your app on wall posts
The line between spam and self-promotion is a thin one, but let it be known that pimping your shiny new Facebook app is definitely considered SPAM.
9. Using duplicate text in multiple messages
Some people paste a generic welcome message into friend requests to save time. DON'T DO THIS! It makes you look like a spammer. (Ironically, pro spammers are probably randomizing their messages to avoid this trap)
10. You are a cow, dog, or library
Being a real person is not enough, you must be a homo sapien. Accounts have been deleted for cows, dogs and libraries.
11. You are under eighteen years old
According to one report a user's account was suspended when they suspected her of being under 18. She was required to enter a work email address to prove her maturity, at which point her account was reinstated. [note: other users have pointed out that being under 18 is fine if you're part of a High School group, though underage home schoolers have been told to bugger off]
12. You wrote offensive content
Reports of "sudden death" on accounts have been reported by users who were told they had posted offensive content, but were not provided details of the offense.
13. You scraped information off Facebook
They have a zero tolerance policy for page scraping (i.e. pulling content off their web pages via a script). Unfortunately, they don't have a reliable way of proving it's you who's doing the scraping (IP matching is probably as good as they can get), so you may find this a difficult charge to defend yourself against.
14. Opening multiple accounts. If you are found opening multiple accounts and Facebook ties those accounts to you, then you may be disabled. Now, I can not tell you that multiple does not mean two; as that is not clear. I know a few of you have two accounts, one for personal and one for things like Mafia Wars, Business, games, etc.
If you have seen or heard of anymore reasons then fill free to add or comment on these.
Sean Italiane
[LCN] Joey "The Mini Guinea" Zambino
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Harga BBM bentar lagi akan naik?
Jakarta - Pemerintah kembali menegaskan harga BBM belum akan dinaikkan pada evaluasi tanggal 15 Maret 2009. Harga BBM belum akan naik meskipun harga BBM internasional dan Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) mulai menunjukkan kenaikan.
Hal ini dikatakan oleh Menneg PPN/Kepala Bappenas Paskah Suzetta ketika ditemui di kantornya, Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Jakarta, Rabu (11/3/2009).
selanjutnya: lihat link itu ya
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Saturday, 17 January 2009
space-time continuum: Pengalaman Seru Demo di Chicago dan Washington DC, 9-10 Januari 2009
Heeeyyy Obama! We want change in Gaza now!
Gaza, Gaza, don't you cry!Palestine Will Never Die!
space-time continuum: Pengalaman Seru Demo di Chicago dan Washington DC, 9-10 Januari 2009
Monday, 5 January 2009
Benarkah korupsi sudah mendarah daging ?
100 rupiah tersebut jarang kita mintakan pertanggungjawabannya. Biasanya kita diamkan saja bila kembalian 100 rupiah tersebut tidak diberikan oleh anak.
Berikut ini ada berita yg cukup membuat kaget dan prihatin, saya ambil dari Radar Tulungagung:
Bukti kalau korupsi tidak akan bisa diberantas :(
Kantin Kejujuran Merugi: Modal Rp 1,5 Juta Tinggal Rp 90 Ribu
TULUNGAGUNG - Kantin kejujuran di SMAN 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung diduga bangkrut. Indikasinya, dari modal awal Rp 1,5 juta kini tinggal Rp 90 ribu. Bahkan kanting yang di-launching Bupati Tulungagung saat peringatan Hari Anti Korupsi pada 9 Desember itu, sudah tutup sejak 23 Desember lalu.
"Modal Rp 1,5 juta dibelanjakan sesuai kebutuhan oleh pengelola kantin kejujuran yang terdiri dari beberapa guru dan siswa di SMAN I Boyolangu," kata NN, siswa SMAN 1 Boyolangu.
Gejala kebangkrutan sudah terlihat dari awal. Diungkapkan siswa tersebut, baru dua hari kantin kejujuran berjalan, modal sudah menyusut Rp 600 ribu. Sehingga dari Rp 1,5 juta tinggal Rp 900 ribu.
Sebenarnya, pihak sekolah sudah mewanti-wanti kepada siswa untuk bertindak jujur. Hal itu disampaikan dalam upacara tiap hari Senin. Kepala SMAN 1 Boyolangu Suwari sendiri yang menyampaikan ke siswa. "Rupanya, himbauan itu tidak diindahkan oleh siswa. Bukan bati (untung, red) tapi kantin kejujuran malah merugi. Kini modal tinggal Rp 90 ribu," terang NN.
Siswa-siswi sekolah favorit itu, ucapnya, bertindakan kurang terpuji. Misalnya, dengan uang Rp 1.000 namun mengambil makanan lebih dari Rp 5.000. Akibatnya, sejak 23 Desember lalu, kantin kejujuran di SMAN 1 Boyolangu tutup.
Muarif, guru Bahasa Inggris sekaligus pembina kantin kejujuran SMAN 1 Boyolangu, membantah jika kantin kejujuran dinyatakan tutup. "Setahu saya, tidak benar jika kantin kejujuran dinyatakan tutup, namun hanya mengalami kerugian saja," katanya saat dihubungi via handpone.
Bahkan, lanjutnya, pihak sekolah melakukan pembinaan satu minggu sekali. "Saya sangat tidak sepakat jika sampai kantin kejujuran tutup, harus tetap buka. Karena program tersebut sangatlah bagus untuk mendidik siswa. Bagi kami, kondisi itu masih dalam batas kewajaran. Kan masih dalam proses," kata Muarif. (tri)